Founded in 2005, TPL have embarked on a relentless mission to simplifying the use of the illumination by ensuring the quality, illumination stability and lifespan are at the forefront of every design. TPL is constantly investing in its R&D department to maintain a stronghold in innovation across their wide range of product offerings. TPL Vision’s lights belong to specific product ranges: Bar, Ring, Spot, Dome, Backlight, Specials and all of them are available in various colours.
Bar lights are typically used to provide illumination across a large surface area at medium to high intensity levels. Due to their flexibility, bar lights can be configured in many ways. TPL offer the M-EBAR, Essential EBAR, Backlight BLBAR, Waterproof IP6K Bar light, Waterproof IP69K Backlight Bar and EBAR Logistix to cover all your needs.
Depending on the surface, ring lights are useful on objects that do not reflect light but still require maximum illumination brightness. Such lighting methods are typically used when object shadows are not desired or may cause problems. TPL have 3 main offerings in this range: MR-RING, HPRING and the miniature TRING.
Dome lights offer diffused and homogeneous illumination across an area where indirect lighting is desired. These are typically used on curved or highly reflective surfaces or in an application where the application needs lessened reflections. Dome lights are a unique method that offer a solution for such applications. TPL have various ranges to cover this such as: High Power HPFDOME, MFDOME+ Overdrive, MR-DOME, Small SDOME II, Large LDOME.
Typically used for parts presence, absence, gauging, orientation and location, backlighting is one of the most common and useful lighting techniques. Back lights are ideal for pick-and-place and/or vision-guided robotics applications. The three main offerings in this range are: High Power HPBACK, Medium MBACK+ Overdrive and Collimated Medium CMBACK+.
Spotlights provide a high intensity illumination method over a medium to small surface area. Due to their compactness these lights are ideal for confined spaces or enclosures where typical lighting may not fit. The ranges available from TPL are FLOOD light, Spot SBAR, TSPOT 1 and TSPOT 4.
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