

Tosibox is a Finnish company started in Oulu in 2011. Their aim is to make industrial communication easy and accessible to anyone.

Technology and software developed by Tosibox have resulted in a new standard for secure IoT connectivity, remote maintenance and network management. Their award-winning products are manufactured in Finland and can be found installed worldwide.

The main feature of Tosibox products is how simple they are. A completely secure remote connection can be established in minutes without special IT knowledge or skills. All Tosibox products are compatible with each other enabling unlimited expansion and flexibility.

Tosibox solution consists of Locks and Keys. A Lock is an industrial router that is connected to your equipment. To gain access to the Lock a Key is required. This Key is synchronized with the Lock and password protected. Keys are available as physical USB drive, software or mobile application. A single Key can be paired with multiple Locks.

There are no annual subscriptions or monthly costs involved with Tosibox solution. A pure one-off cost when purchasing Locks, Keys, software licenses and mobile clients. Tosibox solution is globally patented, the technology is certified and has one of the highest security levels in the industry with the latest encryption technology. Service is not cloud based, Locks and Keys are connected directly via a secure VPN tunnel.

Examples of products

Remote Management
Contact us

If you need any help, you can contact us in one of the following ways:

phone 0116 284 9900

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