Safety always comes first. If there is an emergency it’s essential to have a completely reliable stop device.
BACO are specialists in emergency stop solutions and offer the largest selection of E-stop devices in the industry. Safety, innovation and optimisation have been honed to a sharp edge by listening to users’ needs and watching them work.
IEC 60947-5-5 says that the emergency stop function can be provided by an ISO 13850 mushroom head combined with a ‘positive opening’ NC contact block.
The BACO ISO 13850 mushroom head is designed so that a ‘push’ action of sufficient force to open the contact will trigger an irreversible locking of this opening. This generates an emergency stop signal which can be cancelled only by deliberate manual resetting of the mushroom head (by pull, turn or unlocking by key).
The ISO 13850 mushroom heads also comply with the safety requirements listed in this standard.
There's more information here.
BACO is OEM Automatic’s third biggest supplier. This is the range we carry.
As always, the Panel team is very happy to discuss your particular requirements.
0116 284 9900
Product newsNon Illuminated
ISO13850 & EN418 Compliant
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